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#Villa 67, KG 9 Avenue,
Nyarutarama, Kigali.

Hindi Language

In order to remotely enhance learning opportunities in Hindi language to foreign nationals, ICCR is entering into a tripartite arrangement with Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) and Central Hindi Directorate (CHD) to conduct a 3-month online Hindi Awareness Course from September 1, 2022.

2.         Under this arrangement 24 online classes in Hindi Awareness course will be organized twice a week from 1st September to 30th November, 2022. A copy of syllabus/reference book prescribed by IGNOU is being attached for reference. The reference book can also be downloaded from the link below:


3.          The interested applicants who join the above Hindi course are requested to send their contact details viz email address and mobile no. on Mission's  following email address
